Statement of Faith
The sole basis of our belief is the Bible.
We believe that all people are infinitely valuable because all people are made in the image of a loving God.
We believe that there is one living, true, holy God, eternally existent in the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus was miraculously conceived, born of a virgin, and sinless in life.
We believe that Jesus was fully human and fully God, walked our earth, lived a life of obedience, suffered at the hands of humanity, and died on the cross.
We believe Jesus fully atoned for the sins of all, was bodily resurrected and enthroned at God’s right hand as our intercessor.
We believe that salvation is wholly a work of God’s free grace, received by repentance and faith.
We believe each person can be made new in Christ by the Holy Spirit and thereafter continuously grow in the knowledge of God.
We believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired guide to intimacy with God and faithful living.
Our Mission
We gather, grow and go to see Jesus transform lives.
Woodland Church is an elder governed, staff led congregation that strives to equip God’s people for meaningful ministry. We are a congregation within the Great Lakes Region of the Wesleyan Church, and our pastors are licensed/ordained under their spiritual authority. Additionally, Woodland Church undergoes a full financial review by an independent CPA firm at the close of each fiscal year.